Enviromental Education
A lack of information on environmental issues by coastal and fishing communities in Peru is one of the main obstacles for conservation. By including an education component in every Pro Delphinus project we seek to reduce turtle, seabird and marine mammal captures and use for human consumption. Toward this end, talks, seminars and workshops target the basic groups of stakeholders in the ports: school children, fishermen and their families and marine authorities. We have produced dozens of educational materials – from species guides and brochures to lesson plans to comic books – all designed to educate the public about Peru’s threatened marine species and what people can do to help in their conservation.
Pro Delphinus has also joined with the World Ocean Network (WON), and participates with this network by distributing Citizen of the Ocean Passport, as a mean to promote awareness of marine conservation, aiming to involve children, adults and community members in general in ocean conservation.